Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's not all about me

It's amazing how one little situation can teach you so much about life and about yourself. Today, I felt a little adventurous so I went to the equestrian center to swim laps in the pool. I had a set routine in my mind and did not want to be bothered. I simply wanted to do my swim and be on my way. God had other plans for me today.
Shortly into my swim, a very cute 6 year old girl asked me what I was doing. I grudgingly said, "I'm swimming laps," and hoped that she would just let me finish this lap. She responded, "No what are you doing? Are you swimming backwards?" I patiently explained to her that it was called the backstroke and taught her how to do it. I told her to swim with me, but it was too hard for her to keep up. So, I thought I was in the clear and I could peacefully continue my swim. Midway through my next lap, this cute girl appeared behind me struggling to catch up to me. I soon realized that she really wanted me to show her how to swim. I taught her the butterfly stroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, backstroke and freestyle. Before I realized it, I swam 950 yards!

Things that I learned today:

  • It's not all about me sometimes
  • Slow down and live in the moment
  • Patience truly is a virtue and I think I'm getting better at it
  • Children have a way of lightening your mood and perspective
  • This cute little girl helped me just as much as I helped her
  • I really love swimming and forgot about it for a while

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."


Lacey said...

What a great quote. And I really like this entry. I talked to Riley today (she's still in Africa0 and she commented on how it seemed like the people she has been meeting have so much more time to build relationships and to just play and get to know one another. She talked about seeing grown women playing jump rope and ho wthat really struck her as being so kind and powerful. And that is just what you did today!! Wonderful!

Erik & Sarah said...

Thanks Lacey!

Sabasue said...

This is a great entry. I get into such a routine of me me me me. There is a lot more to life then ourselves and is surprisingly a lot more enjoyable. Just gotta remember that on a second by second basis.